The Golden Throats Wiki


Jorrocks is a stage musical based on the writings of Robert Smith Surtees.



John Jorrocks, Master-of-Foxhounds, is a social hero among the hunting fraternity. This successful huntsman and grocer's praises are even sung by the men in his tea warehouse. They also chorus the charms of his niece and ward, Belinda.

The domineering Mrs. Jorrocks, however, finds her husband's hunting, eating and drinking habits more than a little irksome. When she receives less than what she considers her rightful degree of social acknowledgment at the inauguration of Mr. Jorrocks as Master-of-Foxhounds for Handley Cross Spa, she plans his overthrow. She is aided in her plans by Marmaduke Muleygrubs, Dr. Roger Swizzle and Captain Misererrimus Doleful. The latter refuses to promote Jorrocks as Spa's patron in succession to Mrs. Barnington, despite his earlier convictions.

A comical but seldom sober huntsman from Newcastle named James Pigg helps Mr. Jorrocks immeasurably in the field. It is Charlie Stobbs, engaged to marry Belinda, who is able to aid Mr. Jorrocks in a legal way. His skill as a lawyer is sufficient to expose the scheming of the Handley Cross 'black sheep' and our lovable 'h'-dropping hero emerges triumphant as the 'appiest man alive.

Musical numbers[]

  • "Ask Mr Jorrocks" - Jorrocks, Benjamin, Porters & Clerks
  • "Belinda" - Benjamin, Charlie & Company
  • "The Happiest Man Alive" - Jorrocks, Mrs. Jorrocks, Charlie, Belinda, Doleful
  • "We'd Imagine a Man" - Moleygrubs & Dr. Swizzle
  • "Toasts of the Town" - Mrs Jorrocks, Doleful, Dr. Swizzle
  • "The Midsummer Fox" - Charlie and Company
  • "I Don't Want To Say Goodnight" - Belinda and Charlie
  • "The Hounds of John Jorrocks" - Jorrocks, Pigg & Company
  • "Love Your Neighbour" - Jorrocks and Company
  • "A Little Bit Individual" - Jorrocks
  • "You Can Depend On Me" - Belinda and Jorrocks
  • "I Well Recall the Da"y - Mrs Jorrocks & Doleful
  • "I Don't Want to Behave Like a Lady" - Belinda
  • "Once He's In He'll Never Get Out" - Doleful, Moleygrubs, Dr. Swizzle
  • "The Sport of Kings" - Jorrocks & Company
  • "Jorrocks" - The Company